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Posts posted by Nikothraa

  1. I tried the method that Fyrewolf5 mentioned, of re-synching myself with the server, then the method that Kajex suggested. I'm not sure which one worked, but now a friend can join me reliably so far. I'll get more friends to test it, but it seems like it's been fixed.

    EDIT: Nope, it hasn't been fixed. I'm still getting the same issue with another friend. I don't know what to do anymore.

  2. The only times I've disconnected are when I've left my machine idle for too long and the auto-disconnect settings well...disconnect me.

    My internet speed results from speedtest.net are: 17.89 Mb/s download speed and 1/94 Mb/s upload speed.

    As for the buggy item, I don't even know how I would be able to determine if i have one. I know i've received several items from other players and they're in my common bank, but the items I have on my level 16 RAcast are all things I've bought or picked up, and the mag I've got is his original from his creation.

  3. I have a cable internet connection. The issue happens regardless of the age of the room I create and it's only happened within the past three days.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that it happens if I join a room created by someone else. Like, if my friend creates a room and i join, no one else can join that game because I am now in it. They either get stuck with an aerial view of Pioneer 2 for a infinite amount of time, or booted back to the lobby.

  4. I'm getting an issue where friends or even random people cannot join any game I am in. I can join just fine, but if a friend is disconnected, booted to the lobby, or exits, I have to exit as well or they can't join the game again.

    I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the game, but the issue persists. What else can I try that might fix the issue?

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