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Posts posted by jiggy05

  1. Alright, sweet! Thank you for your responses. I was hoping to see the answers that I recieved. I'll be joining as of today, and I'll be bringing a few people along.

    I am curious though, is there any way to personally have my exp/drop rates reduced to normal settings, like through just asking the GM's or even donating for it? Or is that probably too much work to fix on one person (or a small group)? My Fiance' and I loved the GC game(s), and although the increased rates are incredibly awesome and I know they do reduce the higher level you get, I'd still like to have the full "original" grind feeling from lowered rates. If it's not possible, no problem, we'll still love playing on Ultima, but I figured I'd ask.


  2. Hello Everyone! I figured since I'm thinking about joining this server (along with pulling my Fiance and possibly a few friends along), that I'd introduce myself. I do have a few questions though before I make the choice to join:

    1) How often are the servers up?

    2) If the servers go down, how often does this happen and how long does it usually take them to be brought back up?
    3) Are holiday events updated frequently? What about special events?

    4) I noticed something about donations earlier and am worried that the server may not last if people do not donate. Has there ever been a time in the past, or even the present, that things have gotten so bad financially that the server could have shut down, or will be shut down anytime soon?

    Thanks in advance, and I look forward to your responses.

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