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Posts posted by MilleMarteaux

  1. When ultima was still fairly new I came here and started guessing usernames and passwords. i occasionally do this on free games cause sometimes you can access accounts. well the account "12345" had a ton of stuff on it like dark meteor mille marteaux etc. i think this was when ultima was transferring over characters and handing out ubers etc but the character on the account was fairly high level. anyway i jacked all the stuff. played for a few days. decided the server sucked and gave it all away. so remember kids dont make halfassed usernames and passwords.

  2. I play PSOBB offline. Pure. What is pure? PSOBB released by Sega. Why not go back to pso original on dreamcast or pc? well because PSOBB is a upgraded psodc/pc with episode 1 enhanced. try psopc today its riddled with graphics problems. as someone who played since the launch on the dreamcast i have no idea why anyone would say psobb does not stay true to psodc original. these third party servers as far as im concerned are dick around servers. you can play psobb offline with the same software they use to host their servers.

    in fact even if they did make a pure psobb server id still choose to play offline rather than waste my time leveling a character up and hoping to god i dont piss off a mod and get banned fro "their" server so i must be a good little boy at all times... we all know that the ban rate is about 50000% higher than playing on a official server.

    theres nothing wrong with adding events from time to time. but to throw in final fantasy music, zelda shields, "bacon", etc. thats just...

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  3. a lot of troll kids on this server. level 200's 170's etc comin in my normal gameroom titled gibfreestuff asking me where the free stuff is and not even giving me meseta. rating this server 2/10 for virgin losers. at that level i was handing stuff out all the time. what a bunch of sociopath little bitches lol

  4. anyone got free shit to give leme know im a level 16 racaseal k thx. low level mags or even a shot or unit would be swell. my skype username is:


    i record videos on youtube when i play games so it will be on my youtube.

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