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In Lee's bank reader, several ultima items show up as item error, or Hylian shield shows up as Black gear.

Is there a fix for this?

i believe this is the more updated bank reader, if not mystake, given by cyane in shout. havenĀ“t tryet yet so. and i think you have to put ITEM file and reader in pso folder too


Edited by Ricardo Gomes
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In Lee's bank reader, several ultima items show up as item error, or Hylian shield shows up as Black gear.

Is there a fix for this?

There is a txt file in the same folder as that reader. That file is what translates the item hex codes to the names that show up in the reader. Hylian Shield is item 01029A, so if you went there in the item.txt and simply wrote in Hylian Shield next to that code, it would show up as Hylian Shield in the Reader. When the reader doesn't know what item it is, it gives you the code (i.e. "Item Error: 00B901" aka Blood Sword), so it's pretty easy to just ctrl+F find whatever name or code you need to fix and type it in.

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This has been on my mind for a while and hopefully someone can answer this. A long time ago, several years, I remember hearing from someone FOmars have a faster casting speed. I need to know if this is actually true or not.

Casting speed and animation depends on what weapon you have equipped, and the level of the technique. Fastest cast speed for males (fomar/fonewm/humar/ramar) is barehanded i.e. no weapon equipped (this does NOT include fist type weapons). Fastest cast speed for females (fomarl/fonewearl/hunewearl/ramarl) is with wand type weapons. I don't think there is any difference between fomar/fonewm barehanded and fomarl/fonewearl with wand type, should be same speed afaik.

Each class can have different speeds for different weapons though, for example fomarl is much faster with partisan type (tyrell's parasol) than a fonewearl is, even though they're both female. That slow partisan speed is part of the reason I use marina's bag on fonewearl instead, along with being wand type and having anti range.

Edited by Fyrewolf5
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How much light resist does Anti-Light Ring give and how can I obtain one? Anti-Dark Ring drops from Viridia Falz so maybe Anti-Light Ring drops somewhere?

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Anti-Light Ring, Barrier , (donation only) +20 def, +135Evp , +60 ELT ----- from this list

PSOBB Ultima Item/Weapon/Armor/Shield/Unit Effects i.e. - Help & Support & Guides - Ultima PsOBB Forum

and i think only anti dark got a drop now, anti ligth not yet, maybe event only?

Edited by Ricardo Gomes
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I'm starting to wonder if HH is really just tripled rare drop rate? There were so many banners for Reapers today (and a few days ago pre Belra buff), seemed like people found one almost every five minutes on average while you rarely see the banner during regular hours.

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It's a feature of the original game (it's coded in the client)... but is not implemented in the server yet.

Oh, it doesn't work on this server. That's too bad.

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