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Can someone show me to the controls? I'd like to operate the game.

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Hello, I would like the manual for this game's basic functions or at least a link to it. I'm having trouble locating this on the forums and the players in game recommended that I look on the forums for a full list of controls.

I can play the game and pretty much have an understanding of the basic combat controls:

W=Walk forward.

A=Turn left, hold to walk left.

S=Walk toward camera.

D=Turn right, hold to walk right.

←=Use action 1

→=Use action 3

↓=Use action 2

↑=Reset camera to rear view

F1=Function command list.

F12=Character menu, inventory

Spacebar=Begin chat, ENTER to end chat.

Enter=Use, Pick up, Activate Elevator/Switch/Door

Though I feel this could easily help me through most of the general game, I wonder if this is only ⅓ of the commands because I see people doing smilies and there is an entire hotkey 1~0 whenever I'm in combat that makes me think I can set commands or skills to. Plus I remember being able to do various emotes like falling over or sitting in a chair in the main hall, stuff like that.

Can someone link me to a manual or a fully functioning PDF or something that will help? If you know all of the regular commands, please post them and maybe I will make a PDF myself for this server. I don't know, I feel like I'm really in the dark, it's been several years since I've played PSOBB but I'd like to get back into it.

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i remember seeing one but i don't know where you can try to look through the help section and the commands 1-0 can be used to put stuff in it just by pressing any of the numbers while over the tech or item

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Alt + (Numbers, letters and F1-F12 is to do animations)

Alt + End (Symbol Chat)

/magtimer (Tells you when you mag needs feeding).

/matcount (Materials you ate).

/roominfo (Information of the room you are currently in).

/lobby (Return to the lobby if you are in a quest).

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This is off topic and sorry OP but how do you customize the number controls? That being 1-0 on the keyboard? Thanks and hope to hear from someone.

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