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How did you started out on ultima?

Redstar Hunter

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When I was on the play area in mcdonalds. I saw gamecube PSO. xD Then I went to my friend Justin's house (oran) I saw him and three other girls playing gamecube pso. Then when his friends left. He showed me ultima and gave me directions how to find and install this cuz I don't even know where to search. And then once I'm on, oran (or one of his middle school friends) kept making these annoying "rape" characters and harassing me until my sister saw him online when I was playing and got hella pissed off.

Well how I was? I'm a noob and made O_oiio_O and red devil mad cuz I used to beg things from them xDDDDDD but i felt bad after :( She and red forgave me after they knew I was only like 11 that time and they laughed at me -.-

How I reach levels? Well, unlike the people who ttf and rt a lot. Even though when I'm a year old member of ultima, I'm still somewhere in level 130s xD So my progress is very slow cuz all I do is go to random people's games and help them if they're inferior to my char.

And goals, I has no goals :c these weapons take so long too hunt that I don't have enough free time. I'm still in grade school. So i'm limit with a bed time up to 8:30 and school from 8:05 to 2:15 and homework takes me like three hours.

sorry for my bad grammar and explaining the whole story xD

Oh and people I met: Red Devil and a bunch of other peoplez. Over9000, Red idk, and Justin are pretty much people I already knew.

Edited by Mattmatt75
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When I first joined ultima, everyone got angry and yelled "Justin Bieber must die!" >.>

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