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Mag shop and order info


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Selling some mags, more to come as well

Striker unit  13pds   5/20/30/140 with twins (mind increases effectiveness of special) 

Set of 200 mind 200 pow dreamcast mags, no pb obviously 40 pds for set

Pink Soniti 5/141/54/0 14 pds with twins *3x invinviblity at 50% activation rate*


Currently in the works:

Tellusis     1/169/30/0   with twins   20 pds






Edited by Justin Noble
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I have an unique order and from the looks of it your already working on a tellusis with around 59 dex as you listed.    I am looking for a mag with 5/130/65/0  would it be possible to make that tellusis with those stats,  if so I will buy it from you.

Let me know via pm

Edited by Virec
error typo
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I can get you the mags if no one eles comes forward. (Free)

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 I may take you up on that lemon but for now I want to see if any new player may want to do this as it is a way for them to get some easy pds regardless of how strong they might be :)

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 @Aleej from one of the in progress tellusis mags?

@Solo_guy Pm'd with how much I'd like for it

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 Sorry I was slow updating that mag is sold. 

I am working on more, will post what they can be sometime this weekend.

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may i take the purple sato :3?

and wanna get moro grey please

Edited by Moiy Sanchez
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 Sure :) I am just running to buy a cigar then I'll be back in game. Please make sure to feed him good food and chance is litter often. He is also scared and dogs without sunglasses, so make sure those always stay there

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 Yes, 15 pds, if you supply the PPP mag and cells and will have to be a system mag or ashura.... Funny you even ask though I was wondering about making mags like that earlier today just for fun hahaha

Also make a game I'll drop you off that sato

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