Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) Today I added French language in game based on a translation from universps, I believe. I have no idea who made it, but according to some people who are on that forum, it's free to use. Credits goes the authors of it. If you find any problem with the language, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it. I know the translation isn't 100% complete but is very extensive, if you find anything still in English and want it translated, you can provide the translation for the string(s) and I'll add them. To use French language Open the Launcher Open the Options Go to General tab Select the language you want Save The Launcher doesn't have any French localization but you are free to volunteer for it, anyone who wants to help, please send me a PM and I'll give you a spreadsheet with the text to translate. Edited May 6, 2016 by Soly 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Noob Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 Today I added French language in game based on a translation from universps, I believe. I have no idea who made it, but according to some people who are on that forum, it's free to use. Credits goes the authors of it. If you find any problem with the language, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it. I know the translation isn't 100% complete but is very extensive, if you find anything still in English and want it translated, you can provide the translation for the string(s) and I'll add them. To use French language Open the Launcher Open the Options Go to General tab Select the language you want Save The Launcher doesn't have any French localization but you are free to volunteer for it, anyone who wants to help, please send me a PM and I'll give you a spreadsheet with the text to translate. Thats a call for r-78 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misombre Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) That's great =) On the login screen before pressing enter and accessing the login form : "Press enter key" => "Appuyez sur la touche EntrĆ©e" Stuff : "Resist/evil"/"Resist/light" units have a typo, it says that it raises by 0 instead of 10 ^^ "Perfect/resist" same issue but it's supposed to be 9 "Monofluid"/"Difluid" it says "Fluide de guĆ©rison" should be more like Trifluid "Fluide rĆ©parateur" since "de guĆ©rison" is also used for mono/di/trimates "Telepipe" it says "Ouvre une porte de tĆ©lĆ©portation Ć la ville." but "Ć la" is improper in this context, it should be something like "Ouvre une porte de tĆ©lĆ©portation vers la ville." "Slicer of Fanatic" slicers are translated by "lame" most of the time in pso so I would propose "Une lame bizarre qui consomme des HP quand elle est utilisĆ©e." instead of "Un slicer bizarre..." "Ultima Reaper" Nice try on this one but that should be more like "Le sang rouge vient de toutes les victimes qu'elle a tuĆ©es" "Proof of Sonic Team" crĆŖte sounds so strange Oo, I would have put "Preuve de l'Ć©quipe Sonic." "Godric's Cloak" => "NommĆ©e d'aprĆØs l'un des rares Fomars du serveur Ultima." "Devil/Technique" Last sentence, a missing x : "Augmente toutes les techniques de 2 niveaux." "Hylian Shield" => "Un bouclier magique qui a accompagnĆ© le hĆ©ros dans de nombreuses aventures et l'a aidĆ© Ć plusieurs reprises pour sauver la terre de Ragol." "Ranger Wall" bad negation "Protection que seul les rangers peuvent utiliser. Augmente la prĆ©cision." I'll put in the spoiler the new stuff that doesn't have yet a translation : Centurion/Battle : "Guerroyez comme les plus puissants. Cette unitĆ© augmente la vitesse d'attaque de 110 %." Or "Battez-vous comme les plus puissants." for the first sentence. I rather the "Guerroyez" verbose but it sounds more archaic. Lindcray : "Je ne sais pas ce qu'est un Lindcray, mais Ć ce stade j'ai peur de demander." Slicer of Vengeance : "MystĆ©rieuse lame rĆ©cupĆ©rĆ©e dans les profondeurs de Ragol. Ses effets sont inconnus." Stealth Sword : "Une Ć©pĆ©e antique avec camouflage de photons, crĆ©Ć©e dans un Ć©trange labo de Pionner 1. - Tue Silencieusement - " Ashura Mag Cell : "Utilisez cette Cellule pour obtenir le Mag Divin." Easter Egg Ultimate : "MystĆ©rieux oeuf. Que peut-il bien contenir ? Ultimate" Abuelita/Battle : "Item Troll qui rĆ©duit la vitesse d'attaque." Asteron Striker : "Ce pistolet maudit appartenait autrefois Ć un grand guerrier. Ses attaques massacrent sournoisement les ennemies en un coup." Sue's Coat : "Nouvelle armure octroyant une amĆ©lioration de 100 ATP. Peut ĆŖtre uniquement Ć©quipĆ©e par des chasseuses." N00b/hp : "DĆ©tiens le pouvoir du tout puissant noob. Riot-" Glide Divine v.00 : "MystĆ©rieuse cane qui a Ć©tĆ© crĆ©Ć©e par erreur par le Dr. Montague. Ses pouvoirs sont inconnus." Godric's/Ability : "UnitĆ© de renforcement pour protection. DĆ©tiens le pouvoir de Godric quand Ć©quipĆ©e." Arrest Needle : "Le Spread Needle a Ć©tĆ© reforgĆ© avec le pouvoir de l'Ć©quipe Sonic. Un fusil Ć pompe qui lance d'innombrables aiguilles. Son attaque spĆ©ciale paralyse les ennemies." Edited May 6, 2016 by Misombre Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 I have to modify that... I might change it to a specific check box, or some other setting not tied to the language (for item skins). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylph777 Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 Cool thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 "Resist/evil"/"Resist/light" units have a typo, it says that it raises by 0 instead of 10 ^^ "Perfect/resist" same issue but it's supposed to be 9 Those units are supposed to "format" the string... originally the string says %d instead of the number, which would get replaced by the amount the unit has. That's how it is in the Japanese version. I'd have to check why it doesn't work. The rest of the stuff I'll check it out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) "Monofluid"/"Difluid" it says "Fluide de guƩrison" should be more like Trifluid "Fluide rƩparateur" since "de guƩrison" is also used for mono/di/trimates Can I get a translation for this instead: HP recovery fluid. Restores HP when used. Restoration is based upon difficulty level. HP recovery fluid. Completely restores HP. Those will change to "TP" for fluids. That's more like the JP version. Also this one. A reinforcing unit for protective gear. That string is common in units, but it seems to have been stripped down in the french translation Nvm, it's on godric's ability Edited May 6, 2016 by Soly Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misombre Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) Fluide de rĆ©cupĆ©ration pour les HP. Restaure les HP quand utilisĆ©. La quantitĆ© restaurĆ©e dĆ©pend du niveau de difficultĆ©. Fluide de rĆ©cupĆ©ration pour les HP. Restaure complĆØtement les HP. Yeah, it's a bit short but still understandable in french. You have to keep in mind that this one is not quite simple to translate, for you can do it a lot of ways and still be right ^^ More military like (I think this one suits pso) : "Une unitĆ© de renfort pour les tenues de protection." More common, literal, and could be apply in any context : "Une unitĆ© de renfort pour les Ć©quipements de protection." Or archaic middle-age : "Une unitĆ© de renfort pour les armures." Edited May 6, 2016 by Misombre Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 Alright... I think I got all of these in. Just checked Knight/Power and it shows 5, so it reads the values fine, maybe those you said don't format the string.. I'll check the JP one carefully. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misombre Posted May 6, 2016 Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) Yeah some are good and some are not. The mistake is only on a few units, not all. Also I forgot to mention that I saw something weird but funny : Metal/body+ : add 31 def Metal/body+ : add 32 def So for exactly the same kind of unit (the name and star number at least), the description was not the same (on two items, yeah I got a lot of those one in my bank so I can compare). I noticed that another unit as well have this shift, don't remember which one though. Edited May 6, 2016 by Misombre Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 Yeah some are good and some are not. The mistake is only on a few units, not all. Also I forgot to mention that I saw something weird but funny : Metal/body+ : add 31 def Metal/body+ : add 32 def So for exactly the same kind of unit (the name and star number at least), the description was not the same (on two items, yeah I got a lot of those one in my bank so I can compare). I noticed that another unit as well have this shift, don't remember which one though. That's because of the +. Some units have variable stat... for example that one, Metal/Body originally adds to the value when it has the + sign... it doesn't work on all units tho.or should not. A unit that adds 5, has a + so it now adds 6... it would be weird for it to say in the description that it adds 5 Makes sense to me PD: this pic i modified the value to 59 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soly Posted May 6, 2016 Author Share Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) I didn't even finish this reply and found the issue... Only 9 units weren't formatting the string, and we have 9 custom "tools" so was pretty clear where the issue was. It will be patched up in the next library update. It has been patched up Edited May 6, 2016 by Soly Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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