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Question about dual bird


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So I have a level 100 RAmarl and I have Last Swan +9 and Master Raven +9 but I can't seem to combine them into Dual Bird. I have (216) ATA; however, I am using a God Arm and a Centurion Ability so without those I would have (199) ATA.

Do i need to gave (210) ATA without using any slot equipment?

Also is it a problem that I got the Master Raven through a trade with my friend? I gave me friend grinders so they could make it +9 for me. Are the guns registered to a character/guild card? Do I need to find my own Master Raven?

Any help on this would be appreciated.

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or the wep doesn't like you XD

on a more serious note, pso-world ( where I'm guessing you got the number 210 ) isn't quite accurate for our server with this weapon. the req ata is 220 ^.^ so get a couple more ata and try again. Also if you are not aware, you must have one of them equipped and "use" the other one. Best of luck to you

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Is it really 220 on ultima? Awww. Without slot equipments it will take my ramarl until lvl130 to get to 220 ATA...

Is it possible for me to give my Swan+9 and Raven+9 to another Ranger with high enough ATA to combine then give the Dual Bird back to me? I would then be able to use slot equipment to raise my own ATA to 210 or 220 to equip it.

EDIT: Hey, we played TTF V hard runs earlier this morning, Sciaz. I was on my RAmarl Dismay and you were playing Yamatsuku

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I wont be online again later this evening. But it sounds. Like my best options would be to find someone I can trust to make it for me. Or start a new mag and raise it only in dez u.til hit has like 135 dex. My RAmarls mag is lv194 and has 84 dex currently, will be 90 dex at lv200

My problem is that I barely know anyone on the server. I usually play with a couple RL friends, but I have the highest ranger and closest to 220 ATA ofy friends.

If anyone can help me out I will give you a photon crystal. Ill be on later tonight. Any suggestions on now to test if someone is trustworthy?

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Id be willing to help you if you see me on. Also don't get the wrong idea about units. The ata after units counts as your base ata for purposes of equipping and making items.

I remember you too. Hopefully we can play together again in the future.

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After equipping a second god arm I was able to make it... It was 220 needed and you can use units aspart of that base. I wasn't able to try that until just now.

The initial confusion was caused by pso-world leading me to believe I only needed 210

Edited by farlane
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