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Ultima Christmas Event 2020 Santa Claus has arrived but accidentally dropped all the childrenās promised toys on Ragol once again! The monsters ate all of them. Slain them to get the presents back! Here is Santa Clausā presents list: Click on item names for full details Swords Asteron Belt Chameleon Scythe Crazy Tune Daisy Chain Galatine Girasole Harisen Battle Fan Murasame Sonic Knuckle Soul Eater Toy Hammer Guns L&K38 Combat Phonon Maser Rambling May Tension Blaster Wands Broom Earth Wand Brownie Game Magazine Kunai Syringe Valkyrie Armor Kroe's Sweater Shields DF Shield Honeycomb Reflector Green Ring Blue Ring Yellow Ring Foie Merge Barta Merge Zonde Merge Gifoie Merge Gibarta Merge Gizonde Merge Rafoie Merge Rabarta Merge Razonde Merge Red Merge Blue Merge Yellow Merge Mag Cells Amitie Memo Heart of Morolian Tablet Special Items New Year Card You can redeem them for any past year services until December 24th, 2019 Their new use will be revealed at the end of this event, and can be redeemed until start of Christmas Event 2020 Christmas Present Heart of Angel Heart of Devil Kit of Hamburger Panther's Spirit Kit of Mark3 Kit of Master System Kit of Genesis Kit of Sega Staturn Kit of Dreamcast Ashura Mag Cell Parasitic Gene Flow Dark Meteor Dark Bridge Dark Flow Remember the Parasitic Gene Flow is not an easy drop so do not expect Olga Flow to drop it in a couple runs. Happy Hunting and Merry Christmas Everybody!
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- christmast
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Ultima Christmas Event 2018 Santa Claus is late because he had a sleigh accident and he is so sorryā¦ But he finally arrived! And with all the childrenās promised toys! Unfortunately, he actually lost all of them on Ragolā¦ and the monsters ate them. (That was on purpose but donāt say it!) Santa Claus knows the children of Ultima suffered enough from boss farming during the 10th Anniversary of Ultima, so this year do not rely too much on the old drop tables becauseā¦ Christmas items will no longer come from bosses! (ā¦Except the Parasitic Gene Flow, but do I really have to write this?) New Year Cards are no longer usable to add stats to weapons. They will have a different use than past year. Indi Belras are back to normal. Drop tables have been totally reworked. Everything can be found on Ultimate. Most can also be found on Very Hard but the rates are better on Ultimate. Remember the Parasitic Gene Flow is not an easy drop so do not expect Olga Flow to drop it in a couple runs. Here is Santa Clausā loooong present list: Asteron Belt (ep 4) Chameleon Scythe (ep 4) Crazy Tune (ep 2) Daisy Chain (ep 4) Galatine (ep 4) Girasole (ep 2) Harisen Battle Fan (ep 1) Murasame (ep 1) Sonic Knuckle (ep 2) Soul Eater (ep 4) Toy Hammer (ep 2) L&K38 Combat (ep 1) Phonon Maser (ep 2) Rambling May (ep 1) Tension Blaster (ep 2) Broom (ep 1) Earth Wand Brownie (ep 1) Game Magazine (ep 1) Kunai (ep 1) Syringe (ep 1) Valkyrie (ep 4) Kroeās Sweater (ep 1) DF Shield (ep 1) Honeycomb Reflector (ep 1) Foie Merge (ep 2) Barta Merge (ep 2) Zonde Merge (ep 2) Gifoie Merge (ep 2) Gibarta Merge (ep 2) Gizonde Merge (ep 2) Rafoie Merge (ep 2) Rabarta Merge (ep 2) Razonde Merge (ep 2) Red Merge (ep 1) Blue Merge (ep 1) Yellow Merge (ep 1) Green Ring (ep 4) Blue Ring (ep 4) Yellow Ring (ep 4) Amitieās Memo (ep 2) Heart of Morolian (ep 1,2) Tablet (ep 1) New Yearās Card (ep 1,4) Parasitic Gene "Flow" (ep 2) Saint Rappies will drop Christmas Presents (If you see a Love Rappy, please let a GM know because they are not welcome here!) in which you can find many mag cells like the pretty Ashura cell that makes Elenor, and Noobā¦ HEART CONTAINER!! Yeah, I said Heart Container Use Parasitic Gene Flow to make one of those famous weapons Dark Meteor Dark Bridge Dark Flow This event will conclude a year of joy and happiness on Ultimaā¦ but is also going to start a fresh new one and hopefully even better!!! Happy Hunting and Merry Christmas Everybody! Thanks to @FALC0N for the banner, you are really helpful!
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Looks like I'll be the one doing it this time. Post here your event items findings and it will be added to this list. I need the following information: Item Name, Enemy, Room ID, Episode (area isn't needed unless you are 100% sure of which enemy dropped it) and Difficult. You can find most of the room information through /roominfo command. Use Ctrl+F to find the desired item information. If you can't find information (???), that means the item wasn't found yet or it doesn't drop on this event. Quoting from R-78: Swords Asteron Belt Del Rappy - Episode IV - Ultimate - Whitill Chameleon Scythe Astark - Episode IV - Ultimate - Purplenum Redria Crazy Tune Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Daisy Chain Astark - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Galatine Merissa AA - Episode IV - Ultimate - Bluefull Whitill Girasole Gran Sorcerer - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Yellowboze Harisen Battle Fan Mil Lily - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Murasame Pouilly Slime - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Sonic Knuckle Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Redria Whitill Soul Eater Del Rappy - Episode IV - Very Hard - Whitill Toy Hammer Recon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Skyly Purplenum Guns L&K38 Combat Baranz - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Skyly Phonon Maser Recon - Episode II - Ultimate - Oran Redria Whitill Yellowboze Rambling May Canadine - Episode I - Very Hard - Whitill Canabin - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Tension Blaster Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Canes Broom Gran Sorcerer - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Earth Wand Brownie Gran Sorcerer - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Viridia Chaos Sorcerer - Episode I - Very Hard - Skyly Purplenum Game Magazine Pal Rappy - Episode I - Ultimate - Oran Whitill Kunai Mil Lily - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Syringe Pouilly Slime - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Valkyrie Pazuzu - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Armors Kroeās Sweater Hildetorr - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Whitill Oran Shields DF Shield Sinow Red - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Honeycomb Reflector Dark Bringer - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Skyly Purplenum Whitill Foie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Barta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Zonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - ??? Gifoie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Gibarta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Gizonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Rafoie Merge Mericarol - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Rabarta Merge Merikle - Episode II - Ultimate - ??? Razonde Merge Mericus - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Bluefull Red Merge Evil Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Yellowboze Whitill Vulmer - Episode I - Ultimate - Greenill Purplenum Whitill Blue Merge Pal Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Purplenum Whitill Govulmer - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Redria Yellow Merge Guil Shark - Episode I - Very Hard - Yellowboze Melqueek - Episode I - Ultimate - Skyly Purplenum Green Ring Goran Detonator - Episode IV - Ultimate - ??? Blue Ring Goran - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Redria Whitill Yellow Ring Pyro Goran - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Mag Cells Amitieās Memo Claw - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Yellowboze Gee - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Skyly Viridia Heart of Morolian Gee - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Purplenum Redria Whitill Yellowboze Tablet Claw - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Purplenum Redria Unique New Yearās Card Del-D - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Greenill Oran Purplenum Skyly Whitill Yellowboze So Dimenian - Episode I - Very Hard - Bluefull Girtablulu - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Purplenum Redria Parasitic Gene "Flow" Olga Flow - Episode II - Ultimate - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Olga Flow - Episode II - Very Hard - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Christmas Presents St. Rappy - Episode II - Normal/Hard/Very Hard/Ultimate - (All ID's can drop) - Bluefull Greenill Oran Pinkal Purplenum Redria Skyly Viridia Whitill Yellowboze Regular Drops EPISODE I Diska of Braveman - Mothvert - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Flowen's Sword (3079) - El Rappy - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Guilty Ligth - Barble - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Yamato - Gulgus - Episode I - Ultimate - Whitill Magic Stone "Iritista" - Hildetorr - Episode I - Ultimate - Redria DF Field - Bulclaw - Episode I - Ultimate - Purplenum Morning Glory - Delsaber - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull DB's Saber (3069 Chris) - Arlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Spread Needle - Merlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze Red Scorpio - Merlan - Episode I - Ultimate - Bluefull Belra's Right Arm - Indi Belra - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze Bringer's Right Arm - Dark Bringer - Episode I - Ultimate - Yellowboze EPISODE II DB's Saber (3067) - Crimson Assassin - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Flowen Sword (3060) - Hildelt - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Ancient Saber - Hildelt - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Windmill - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Agito (1983) - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill God/Power - Hildetorr - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Magic Rock 'moola' - Indi Belra - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Justy-23ST - Indi Belra - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Flowen's Sword (3084) - Ob Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Secure Feet - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Custom Barrier ver.OO - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Regenerate Gear - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Windmill - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal Victor Axe - Mil Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Cross Scar - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Greenill Dragon Slayer - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Gae Bolg - Gilchich - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Chain Sawd - Dubchic - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Parts of Egg Blaster - Baranz - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Fatsia - Meriltas - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Partisan of Lightning - Gibbles - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Hitogata - Del Lily - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Plantain Leaf - Gi Gue - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Soul Banish - Delbiter - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Madam's Umbrella - Delbiter - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Standstill Shield - Dolmdarl - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly Yasminkov 2000H - Morfos - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Zanba - Sinow Zoa - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Cladding of Epsilon - Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Yellowboze Wedding Dress - Epsilon - Episode II - Ultimate - Pinkal L&K14 Combat - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum Gae Bolg - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Twin Brand - Barba Ray - Episode II - Ultimate - Viridia Maser Beam - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum Asuka - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Whitill Dragon Slayer - Gol Dragon - Episode II - Ultimate - Yellowboze Gal Gryphon's Wing - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Bluefull Gal Gryphon's Wing - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Purplenum God Hand - Gal Gryphon - Episode II - Ultimate - Skyly EPISODE IV Cannon Rouge - Dorphon Eclair - Episode IV - Ultimate - Greenill Tempest Cloak - Dorphon Eclair - Episode IV - Ultimate - Redria
Finally Christmas has arrived in Ultima. It's our last event of the year, for some people it's probably the most awaited one for other not so much. Olga will be exchanging Parasitic Gene Flow in exchange of some blood. This year he is more "giving" but more eager to kill you.... This is Christmas it doesn't mean the drop will be easy ok... so don't expect santa... Anyway hope everyone have fun in our last event of the year. Thanks to everyone who have been here for the entire year and for playing with us. Hope you guys keep enjoying this little piece of PSO that we bring to you. have fun and Merry Xmas to every Ultima member !! Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping the Mag Cell for ELENOR and Heart Container! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harrisen Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringe De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain And the most awaited Item : Parasitic Gene Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: PGF is dropping now through January 11 January 14th. Other drops continue through January 20th. From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%) Thanks to @ItchyFlamingo for the Event Banner!
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Finally Christmas has arrive to Ultima. It's our last event of the year, for some people it's probably the most awaited one for other not so much. Olga will be exchanging her Parasitic Gene Flow in exchange of some blood. This year he is more "giving" but more eager to kill you.... This is Christmas it don't mean the drop will be easy ok... son don't expect santa... Anyway hope everyone have fun in our last event of the year. Thanks to everyone who have been here to the entire year and for playing with us. Hope you guys keep enjoying this little piace of PSO that we bring to you. have fun and Merry Xmas to every Ultima member !! Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR and No0b HP! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harrisen Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringe De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain And the most awaited Item : Parasitic Gen Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: PGF is dropping now through January 11 January 14th. Other drops continue through January 20th. From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%) Banner Design credit goes to @ItchyFlamingo! discution topic
End of year and the last event of the year is here. As many already know probably one of the most awaited items during the entire year is in this event. Parasitic Gene Flow for your lovely Dark Weapons. Not mush to say about this year event. We tried to so some minor changes on the drops, changed some items around some monsters. and ID's. have a great hunting and Have fun.! Event will last till January 11.2017 Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR and No0b HP! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/11/2017 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most awaited Item : Parasite Gen Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: TBD - PGF is dropping now through January 11. Other drops continue through January 20th. From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%)
End of year and the last event of the year is here. As many already know probably one of the most awaited items during the entire year is in this event. Parasitic Gene Flow for your lovely Dark Weapons. Not mush to say about this year event. We tried to so some minor changes on the drops, changed some items around some monsters. and ID's. have a great hunting and Have fun.! Event will last till January 11.2017 Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR and No0b HP! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus' dress xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertin [Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop: Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop: Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/11/2017 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most awaited Item : Parasitic gene "Flow" Obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: TBD - PGF is dropping now through January 11. From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%)
Just opened a bunch of X-mas presents, so I have mag cells to sell! Rappy's Wing x2 Heart of Angel x4 Heart of Devil x6 Panther's Spirit x5 Kit of MARK3 x5 Kit of MASTER SYSTEM x4 Kit of GENESIS x9 Kit of SEGA SATURN x8 Kit of DREAMCAST x8 Ashura Mag Cell x4 PM or post if interested. Not sure on price on most of these, so we can talk. P.S- I also have 3 Noob/HP to sell
Event: Ultima Christmas wishes! From this thread - - the raffle will be held in a few hours. I still need to meet in game the following participants: -KIluminate -Rhykef85 -Angeldust -busy -PBSafran -Simon Vigneau -Armando -busy -Westnip -Biza -gmstone -new -busy For the one's that have orange/red name in the thread, if you want increase your wishlist and I might want to meet you in game too for some surprises. (ignore the pink name lol) too late to change now D: GIVEAWAY While working to fill up some wishes on this event I found a few items that might interest other players, I'll be giving 1-2 by request on this topic or via pm to each player that asks for them. Happy holidays Items Available: BRAVACE +1 (0/0/0/30|40) PHOENIX CLAW (0/0/0/0|0) TOY HAMMER (0/15/0/30|0) LAST SWAN (0/0/0/0|0) LAST SWAN (0/0/0/0|0) LAST SWAN (0/0/0/0|0) OPHELIE SEIZE (0/0/0/0|40) -for neogenesis KUSANAGI (0/0/0/0|0) YUNCHANG (0/0/0/0|0) GUREN (0/40/0/0|35) - for Jaz0 CLIO (0/0/0/45|0) DECALOG (0/0/0/0|0) DECALOG (0/0/0/0|0) Charge Railgun +3 (0/0/0/5|50) CLUB OF LACONIUM (30/35/0/0|25) MACE OF ADAMAN (0/30/15/40|0) ALIVE AQHU (0/0/30/0|25) ANGRY FIST (25/0/0/0|35) ANGRY FIST (30/0/0/0|20) SONIC KNUCKLE (0/0/25/20|20) VICTOR AXE (0/0/15/0|20) METEOR CUDGEL (0/0/45/0|0) TWIN CHAKRAM (10/25/0/0|0) DEMOLITION COMET (40/45/0/0|20) Arrest Laser (50/0/50/0|50) - for Judgement Charge Arms +5 (40/35/0/0|35) STINK FRAME SMOKING PLATE STAR CUIRASS BLUE ODOSHI VIOLET NIMAIDOU BLACK HOUND CUIRASS TEMPEST CLOAK CURSED CLOAK COMMANDER UNIFORM CRIMSON COAT SENSE PLATE DB'S SHIELD KASAMI BRACER -neogenesis KASAMI BRACER STRIKER PLUS REGENERATE GEAR B.P REGENERATE GEAR B.P YATA MIRROR STINK SHIELD YASAKANI MAGATAMA Centurion/Ability Centurion/Ability Heavenly/Ability Heavenly/mind DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION Perfect/Resist V801 - for Berry v801 v801 luck material x1 Amplifier of Blue x1 - for berry Heaven Striker Coat x1 MAGIC STONE IRITISTA x1 Parts Of RoboChao x1 Parts Of RoboChao x1 Heart Of Opa Opa x1 Heart Of Pian x1 Heart Of Chao x1 - for Akebuu Monogrinders x50
Well guys finally , the event of Christmas is here. it's late but it is here. We worked hard in this event, to bring new stuff to all the member. This event has his legacy, probably is one of the most waited event during the year. This year we come up with new events and new things for the server, all member of the staff and also regular member helped in different ways. This event is the last of the year please enjoy it and have fun. Thanks Ultima. more detail of the event will be added soon. just as a minor detail. make sure to keep in a safe place your Proof of Sonic Team. Out of a cheer feeling of nostalgia, I'll post the event trailer from a few years ago, made by blue. Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR and No0b HP! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/20/2014 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most awaited Item : Parasite Gen Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: TBD - PGF is dropping now through January 11. Other drops continue through January 20th. Drops are not 1/1 so don't start posting that the items are not dropping if they don't drop after a few runs. New Items! From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%) From the Easter Event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Spread Needle to make Arrest Needle!
Well guys finally , the event of Christmas is here. it's late but it is here. We worked hard in this event, to bring new stuff to all the member. This event has his legacy, probably is one of the most waited event during the year. This year we come up with new events and new things for the server, all member of the staff and also regular member helped in different ways. This event is the last of the year please enjoy it and have fun. Thanks Ultima. more detail of the event will be added soon. just as a minor detail. make sure to keep in a safe place your Proof of Sonic Team. Out of a cheer feeling of nostalgia, I'll post the event trailer from a few years ago, made by blue. Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR and No0b HP! St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/20/2014 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most awaited Item : Parasite Gen Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: TBD - PGF is dropping now through January 11. Other drops continue through January 20th. Drops are not 1/1 so don't start posting that the items are not dropping if they don't drop after a few runs. New Items! From the Easter event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Dark Bridge to make Psycho Bridge! ATP 395-600 ATA 65 HP +100 EVP -80 Tech boost Rafoie 85% boost, Rabarta 95% boost , Razonde 85% boost (Psycho Wand is 45%) From the Easter Event, use Proof of Sonic Team on Spread Needle to make Arrest Needle!
Out of a cheer feeling of nostalgia, I'll post the event trailer from a few years ago, made by blue. Christmas is full of surprises here at Ultima starting from the 17th December Special drops on bosses and St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR St.Rappy can be found in the Temple (Episode2), it's a rappy with a 'Santa Claus dress' xD Here is the drop list for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain+ The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/7/2012 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most awaited Item : Parasite Gen Flow obviously Olga flow will be dropping it P.GenFlow date: Starting from Dec-22- ending January 1 2013 Drops are not 1/1 so don't start posting that the items are not dropping if they don't drop after a few runs.
Christmas is full of good presents here in Ultima starting from the 10th of December Special drop for bosses And St Rappy will be dropping The Mag ELENOR St.Rappy can be found in ep2 in Temple , is a rappy with Santa Claus dress LMAO Here is the drops for the bosses. Ultimate Gal Gryphon Ultimate: Special Drop:Tablet Mag cell / Heart of Morolian BarbaRay Ultimate: Special Drop: L&K38 Combat / Crazy Tune / Phonon Maser Gol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop:**Earth Wand Brownie Saint Million Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Galatine Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Valkyrie Kondrieu Ultimate: Special Drop: ***Girasole. Ragol Dragon Ultimate: Special Drop: SONIC KNUCKLE / SOUL EATER De Rol Le/Da Rai Le Ultimate: Special Drop: HoneyComb Reflector. Vol Opt v2 Ultimate: Special Drop: ASTERON BELT / KROES SWEATER Dark Fallz Ultimate: Special Drop: Df Shield V.Hard Gal Gryphon V.hard: Special Drop:Harisan Fan / Game Magazine BarbaRay V.hard: Special Drop: Amitie's Memo Mag cell - Puyo Gol Dragon V.hard: Special Drop:Murasame Saint Million V.hard: Special Drop: Rambling May Shambertim[Point Of Disaster]: Special Drop: Tension Blaster Kondrieu V.Hard: Special Drop: Toy Hammer / Kunai Ragol Dragon V.Hard: Special Drop:Green ring / Syringue De Rol Le/Da Rai Le V.hard: Special Drop:Broom / Chameleon Scythe Vol Opt v2 V.Hard Special Drop: RA- MERGES Red/Yellow/Blue RING's (no red ring) Dark Fallz V.Hard: Special Drop:Daisy Chain+ The special drop for the bosses will end the day January/8/2012 Esperaremos a los Reyes Magos por eso hasta el 8 xD. And the most waited Item Parasite Gen Flow Olga flow will be dropping this Item .... P.GenFlow date: Starting from Dec-24 - ending January 8 2012 Drops are not 1/1 so don't start posting "the items is n ot dropping , help here " ore anything like that .
- 88 replies
- 5
- parasite gen flow
- pgf
(and 2 more)
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