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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by JupiterDeMars

  1. Oh thanks ! I didnt notice that 😧
  2. Samurai Armor - Olga Flow - Ultimate - Bluefull / whitill
  3. JupiterDeMars


    I would just make an other DB so i wont ad dts for that
  4. JupiterDeMars


    I can trade my 0/0/0/30/80 DB for your PGF also your inbox is full
  5. That's a nice lot u have c : how much for it in ultima pds ?
  6. He moved the TA leaderboard to a separate website, and then deleted it. that's great job indeed
  7. according to the wiki it's not a bug : ( https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/wiki/item/&id=031810
  8. Here is my cutest and non-mainstream mag c : This one is pretty original too, Sato [Brown][5/65/130/0][M/L/P]
  9. 8 sec ?! Wow im sure a decent guy could sub 4
  10. You can find master raven 0/0/0/0 all year long in black paper's deal 2 (An ep4 solo quest) https://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/droptable/special-quests/ you can also find it during Valentin's event, on February, it drops with stats, much better if you plan to spend a psycho black crystal on it
  11. Sure i can do that one heart container, sure ok np ! i'll be back at home in 4 hours
  12. I think you mean from the depth ?
  13. Iirc, it started to happen to me in the past, i fixed it by putting psobb in windows firewall exceptions
  14. I wish i could give you 2,5 hit : ( No it's not It's Kotta with his carrot on the head
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