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Status Updates posted by Larva


    But my best way to help the server at this moment is to spread the word, help new users and bring new user. And to show the users how Ultima can be more than just a game, but a place were people meet and get to start friendships, as has been like this for many years and for many users. 


    :onion-head72:   im inspired.

    1. Usagi-chan


      Te inspiraste Larvita 🤭

  2. Wow long time no see you here man! Welcome Back

    1. serverus


      apoco conoces a radezz? xd


    2. radezz


      Hey Larva and Serverus :3 Yeah its been a while. I miss you guys and playing here, but I gotta keep focusing on work to buy my own home! Its nice to see you guys still remember me ❤️ Hope you are doing well. Maybe in the future when I got more time, I'll come back and play with you again!

  3. Congratulations for the tattoo man!!




  4. Anyone wants to create a banner for the Easter event?

    send PM :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mimi


      Yo quiero un nuevo color por ser la mas vieja del juego :v

    3. IronSheik


      Will that make the event happen sooner? :P

    4. IronSheik


      Here is my offering:


  5. Like the new Signature my friend.! 🥅:onion117:

    1. Trigunman


      Hey man, thanks, how are you?  Yea, I joined the merry (clown XD ) men of Triforce some months ago.  While my plans for PSO2 along with joining some of the Tri-hards there with the ARKS have fell through thanks to the utter stupidity of M$'s release of the game, I'm not going anywhere.(the recent reports I've read are that PSO2 release has been an utter damned dumpster fire, until M$ decides to fix it or Sega pulls their head out of their rear and releases it on Steam) So no worries, I still have 4 lvl 143s to get to lvl 200, haha!

      It's funny you mention my Zelda themed siggy Larva, I've currently got the Zelda bug after watching game play of the recent Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening reissue for the NIntendo Switch.  I'm seriously considering getting a Switch just for that game, I still have it (Zelda DX) along with my Gameboy Advance SPs, but the reissue is amazingly well done and looks just as fun as I remember it on the Gameboy! (that and the Switch has some really good stuff coming out on it!)

      I trust you and the family are safe and doing well Larva?  :onion-head11:

    2. Larva


      Hey man, everything is fine here with the family, hope your doing safe too. Sorry for taking so long to reply to this but for some reason I never saw it before sorry about that. And Zelda: Link's Awakening my son and I we started to play the game in the switch but we didn't finish it, unfortunately i haven't have time to continue the game and he don't like to play it alone lol. But some day we will continue it. It's great to still see you around in the server/forum. Sometimes i see new names here, but nothing to see friends names around :D . ill try to be here more often but damn work take must of my time :(.

      Anyway, stay safe in this pandemic :onion-head11:

    3. Trigunman


      Haha!  Good to hear from you Larva!  Better late than never right? XD I trust you and your family are well, safe and prospering my old friend.  Yea, I still haven't gotten around to getting a Switch yet, but all things in good time.  Yea, that old game is a freakin' classic, it's kinda funny your son doesn't want to play without you, I find that rather endearing, how sweet, hehe.  Enjoy these precious days with your son Larva, you won't get many more sadly the older he gets.  Yea, sometimes I feel like I'm almost like a fixture in this place haha!  This old game still keeps me coming back for more adventures it seems, mentoring new players and helping older ones while catching up with them in their own lives never gets dull for me I guess.  =^)


      I completely understand about work schedules Larva.  Thankfully I have a 8-5, M-F day job, but still I have other things that keep me busy outside of work too, as I'm a guitarist at my local church and that keeps my Thursday nights and Sunday mornings pretty occupied.  Then there is my family here locally that manage to keep me on my toes, my parents, grandma and aunt.  Sadly my grandma and aunt have contracted COVID but they are recovering, I pray they will fully recover soon, if you would please keep them in your prayers.


      Don't worry about ole me Larva my good man, I've found out some secrets to stay well and I shall pass them on to you!  ^_^  Ivermectin has been in regular use on both his staff and his patients by Dr. Pierre Kory in the St. Jude's Hospital up in Milwaukee, as per his testimony in front of the US Senate.  He's had a 100% cure and uninfected rate with that old drug.  Personally, I have also found a recent US National Institute of Health study where they were researching a vaccine candidate for COVID-19, the test candidates were Chloroquine, the very old and trusted drug for a variety of aliments, Remdesivir, a still experimental drug being pushed by the AMA and...  EGCG taken from GREEN TEA.  I've been drinking green tea for years now Larva and I can't remember the last time I've had a cold or flu.  The EGCG works incredibly to protect the body's cells by blocking the cell's receptors from any virus's RNA attack, the virus can't attach itself to the cell to inject it's RNA to multiply and survive, so...  It dies off.  Any brand of Green Tea will work, you just need to steep it for a bit longer than usual to get the most EGCG out of it.  Take it once a day, or hell I drink it twice a day ( I don't drink coffee, so I get my caffeine from it haha) to protect yourself.  I've been exposed to at least 4-5 people confirmed to have COVID this year and every time I was tested, it came back negative.  You be the judge.  ^_^


      Anyway, be blessed, you and your family, be well and prosperous old friend.  Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years if I don't see you Larva.  God bless!


      -Jay aka Trigunman



  6. Larva

    happy late birthday !! hope was a great day.

    1. Colt


      It was great! Thank you for your well wishes, and a great server!

  7. Happy birthday Man, Hope everything going good with you. Wish you many years more. Thanks for been member of this crazy community!!.

    have fun and enjoy your day!  ahoooyyyy!!  :onion117:

    1. Yannv


      Thank you very much @Larva, I'm really happy to see this message coming from you 😁 I know we have had some disagreements over the last few weeks but I wish the best for Ultima, take good care of it!

    2. Larva


      Hey man friends always get disagreements. :D

    3. RocketTots


      Happy belated...err...boiola'd? birthday!

  8. Happy Late Birthday Cyan it's been a long time since i talked to you, I really hope everything it's been going good in your life. And also I hope you know you can count on my with wherever i can help!

    have fun in life! be strong!

    1. Emewn


      Happy Birthday! :D 

  9. Testing Status update Widget.!

    1. nnorton44


      Android widget?

  10. Advance status update has been disable, therefore some features too.

    1. flowgm



    2. Heather Siren Tide

      Heather Siren Tide

      hey Jesus 


       summer event on july 17

  11. Happy Birthday Man ! enjoy your day

  12. Forum Maintenance will be held Tonight @ 10pm PST will take about 1 hour to compleate.

    1. Duja


      New stuff?

    2. Larva


      well the new version of the forum does have some new features and some new stuff, but mainly is new technical things behind.

  13. Feliz Cumpleaños Comandante!! RR

    Te Mando saludos man! Que vengan muchos años mas! No olvides visitar y mandar un mensaje.

  14. So all year round Drop for PGF as of today. 1/300. Have fun

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Virec


      Good one Larva :)

    3. Link1990


      Was this just April fools? Before I legit keep running RT 😂

    4. jezbuz


      @Link1990 yeah, april fools ahah anyways RT is fun, so you can run it anyways ahah.

  15. Easter it's so close, and so the birthday of my two baby princess XD. lets have a blast of event no?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Trigunman


      Congo-rats and Happy Easter Larva, me and my fraternal twin sis just celebrated ours as well, more birthday cheer to go around amigo! :onion-head11:

    3. yeyy


      My cousins and I are triplets and we're literally celebrating our birthdays as I type this :) rock on guys ^_^

    4. Kira Note

      Kira Note


      I feel that this event will be great. :D

  16. Hoy al cine a very Broly!!!! :onion-head-hammer:

    1. leezy


      watching next week


  17. 10th Anniversary Event UP

    share the word :D


    1. bobshlibidich


      Hey @Larva the event is up. 

  18. share and like


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Virec


      I was suprised to see how much stamina, this guy had and he kept going :) this is motivational :) 

    3. Larva


      that guy its me LOL XD:onion-head23:

    4. Virec


      Oh... OPPS :P Sorry buddy

  19. Tienes en tu firma la rola de Crisis Core, Buenos recuerdos con esa rola estuvo un buen tiempo en el lobby como main.

    1. Henry


      Asi es, así fue como conocí la canción y el juego en si XD!, Muy buenos recuerdos, Veré si se puede prender un poco la chispa de los viejos RedRibbons =D

  20. Forum it's not sending Emails, We are working on it. Thanks.

  21. so summer event part-2 or what?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drdingus


      whatever part two is sign me up! just noooo more epsilons <3

    3. Terrybriggs711


       Adding hit event = part2?

    4. Ana G.5

      Ana G.5

      Hylian event?


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